Posts Tagged ‘ice cream’

Here are some of originally soy products made of something else like other beans or hemp seeds.

  • Chickpea-tofu aka Nofu aka Burmese Bean Curd and Hefu made of hemp-seed milk (another recipe).
  • Miso made of Horse beans and Chickpeas (not the recipe exactly but explains the method). Miso can also be made of Azuki beans (instead of soy).
  • Hemp milk is naturally rich in calcium and in this sense better than soy, also contains plenty of good proteins. And its produce: hemp ice cream. You can also make yogurt of it (follow a soy yogurt recipe). I even found a “soy sauce” made of hemp in one natural food shop.
  • Oat milk as this miracle grain has almost as good protein content as soy. Can also be turn to oat cream, yogurt and ice cream as well.

Trying to avoid sesame? Here is a wonderful tahini made of hemp seeds. You can use it to make hummus in usual way.

Trying  to avoid peanuts? Try almond butter or hemp butter (or hemp nut butter) or any other suitable nut butter.

PS. The industrial hemp of which legal hemp-seed-products are made, has extremely low level of cannabinols and is not narcotic.